While most college students typically spend their summers close to home, one pg电子游戏试玩 junior has found his calling hundreds of miles away at Camp Uncommon in Rhode Island, where he transforms young lives one summer day at a time.

For the past two years, Avantavis Carter’s days begin at 6:00 a.m., when he rises to prepare himself and his campers for adventures ahead. 用防晒霜武装自己, 积极的报价, and what he calls a “vibe check,” he sets the tone for days filled with running, 走, 笑声, 最重要的是, 爱.

“My campers made me feel their 爱 each and every day,他想道。, his enthusiasm evident as he describes the transformation he witnesses in his young campers. “You see how they change over the course of being at camp – the ones who come in very nervous, the ones who are homesick, the ones who don’t want to try new things.”

作为一名巴士司机, he serves as the first face families see when dropping off their children in New York for the journey to Rhode Island. It’s a role he doesn’t take lightly.

“Being selected was truly an honor,” said the Hazlehurst native. “You’re seen by the camp’s leadership team as someone who can communicate with families that may be nervous sending their children hours away from home.”

The camp’s commitment to holistic development resonates deeply with his future career aspirations. Through a blend of STEM activities, 艺术, and social-emotional learning, he helps 创建 an environment where children feel safe to explore, 创建, 和成长. 团队建设活动, 正念练习, and creative activities become tools for developing empathy, 自我意识, 人际交往能力.

One of the elementary education major’s fondest memories centers around “Bedlam” – a special day of competition where the camp divides into Yellow and Blue teams. As a Blue Team captain during the first session, he led his team to victory in the cheer competition.

“Having all of my babies doing stunts and coming to crowd me with hugs is always a cherishing moment,他热情地回忆道。.

Despite being far from his Mississippi home, he’s found a second family at Camp Uncommon. The camp’s evening song includes the lyrics “Keep it simple, 彼此相爱, 你是我的妹妹, you’re my brother” – words that encapsulate his philosophy toward his campers. “They are like my children,他说, “and I go back every year because of the impact they make on my life.”

As he approaches the final phase of his education degree, he sees his camp experience as invaluable preparation for his future classroom. His commitment to fostering inclusivity, 庆祝多样性, and creating safe spaces for personal growth aligns perfectly with his educational goals.

“This is preparing me to enter the educating field,他想道。, crediting Change Summer & Camp Uncommon for what he calls a “mind-blowing experience.” Through his work at camp, he’s not just shaping young lives – he’s building the foundation for his own future as an educator who understands the transformative power of connection, 同情, 和社区.